upload help
Upload to:
Rename: (Optional)
make lowercase*    allow overwrite** (caution)

Rename: (Optional)
make lowercase*    allow overwrite** (caution)

Rename: (Optional)
make lowercase*    allow overwrite** (caution)

Rename: (Optional)
make lowercase*    allow overwrite** (caution)

Rename: (Optional)
make lowercase*    allow overwrite** (caution)

Rename: (Optional)
make lowercase*    allow overwrite** (caution)

Rename: (Optional)
make lowercase*    allow overwrite** (caution)

Rename: (Optional)
make lowercase*    allow overwrite** (caution)


Uploading files and images to your Tripod member directory is as easy as 1, 2, 3. The input fields below each have a "Browse..." button next to them (If they do not, please scroll down to the "Troubleshooting" section at the bottom of this page.) Simply click on "Browse...." to select the file(s) you want to upload. NOTE: You cannot upload an image to your directory by typing in an URL - it must be saved on either your hard drive or a disk. Once you have selected your file(s), click "Upload."

For more information on uploading files, go to the Tripod Help System.

* If the filenames of the images you want to upload have any uppercase letters in them, you can click on the "make lowercase" option. Tripod URLs are case sensitive, and for simplicity reasons we suggest you keep all of your filenames in the lower case.

** If you want to replace an existing image with a new one, select the "overwrite" option. Selecting "overwrite" will permanently delete the existing file.


If you do not see "Browse" buttons next to the file input lines, you do not have an upload-enabled browser. Please FTP to Tripod:

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Netscape, etc. Internet Explorer 4.0
Paladin99@ftp.tripod.com Paladin99@ftp.tripod.com

Alternatively, you may connect via FTP to Tripod:
